First of all..

...the campus of Kwame Nkrumah Univ of Science and Technology (KNUST) looks like Lewis and Clark College, only set in an African rainforest and with more cement 50's era architecture. The student center also sells Lime Fanta and scotch, both of which one would be hard pressed to find at most student unions in the US. The internet cafe is a nice walk down tree-covered streets, and the nighttime walk is a good reminder to take your malaria prophylaxis.
Today was our first day at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), and it seems most of the people there didn't know what to do with us. We've been assure things will seem more coherent in the next few days. My day in the pediatric emergency unit started with a group of students who thought I was also a student, ("Have you seen seizures before?"), and ended with the death of a child who was admitted for severe malnutrition. The mother was making quite a scene about her grief. The resident working at the time expected me to be shocked that none of the staff we comforting her. I was a bit surprised, but I figured it was because the place was so busy. The resident later confided to me that the mother had not been feeding the child as a form of punishment, and the staff really didn't feel much sympathy for her.
On a lighter note:
Best advert seen today: "Foam rubber - your partner for life"
(Almost all of Ghana's mattress are faom rubber blocks, which are actually rather comfortable)
Best overly religious business name: "God is God Clothing."
No, that wasn't a typo on my part.
Best local food recently: Fufu, a sticky casava-based lump of dough that is covered with sauce or broth. Sounds gross, I know, but it actually doesn't have much of a taste (it takes up the tastes around it), and it fills you up nicely. In Accra, mine came with goat meat and a spicy palm-nut broth.
Worst "local" food recently: Malta, a nonalcoholic malt-based beverage made by the Guiness company that tastes like drinking runny molasses.
So, what kind of wine do the Ghanese drink before crawling into your ultra comfy foam rubber pad for a good night's sleep?
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