Thursday, July 07, 2005


Another evening finds me in the internet cafe...such is campus life.

I have never had "hey, white man!" shouted at me so much, at least not since I lived in East Cleveland. We went to the main market in Kumasi this afternoon, and we seemed to attract special attention from the merchants. Usually it was with the Twe word used to refer to non-Africans, "obruni." This doesn't seems to have a benign connotation to it, either. Despite that, it is cute when groups of small children see you and franticly wave, yelling, "Obruni! Obruni!" until you wave back.

For those of you who have been to Cleveland, the Kumasi market is a bit like the West Side Market, with the following excpetions: the meat is rotting, there is dirt everywhere, the aisles are about 2 people wide (not including a basket on one's head), you haggle for everything, and an obruni can't pause without someone pouncing, trying to get you to buy something.

I have also found ice cream! It's at Vic Baboo's, an infamous expat joint downtown.

Today's best religious product name: "Pray" toothpaste


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